Core concepts


Some Workertown services provide the ability to configure a cache that sits in front of potentially expensive/slow storage operations. Following the "sensible defaults" paradigm, each of these services provides a default storage adapter built upon Cloudflare Workers KV, but there are other options available, and also the ability to bring your own cache adapter entirely.

Cache support is always optional, and while it is on by default it can be disabled easily in the service's runtime configuration option.

Built-in cache adapters

Every Workertown service with cache support has a set of supported first-party cache adapters provided within the package.

KV (default)

The Cloudflare Workers KV cache adapter is the default cache adapter for all Workertown services that support a cache, and so any Workertown service that supports a cache can have a bound KV namespace by default.

The KVCacheAdapter is exposed from each package, but in reality you should never have to manually instantiate this adapter.

import { search } from "@workertown/search";
import { KVCacheAdapter } from "@workertown/search/cache/kv";

export default search({
  runtime: (options, env) => ({
   cache: new KVCacheAdapter({ kv: env.KV }),
    // Other options go here...
binding = "KV"
id = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
preview_id = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Upstash Redis

The Upstash Redis cache adapter uses Upstash's Redis cache API to provide an edge-compatible cache.

import { search } from "@workertown/search";
import { UpstashRedisCacheAdapter } from "@workertown/search/cache/upstash-redis";

export default search({
  runtime: (options, env) => ({
   cache: new UpstashRedisCacheAdapter({ 
      url: env.UPSTASH_REDIS_URL,
      token: env.UPSTASH_REDIS_TOKEN,
    // Other options go here...


For situations where you would like to only simulate cache (such as when running tests), you can use the MemoryCacheAdapter to store cached data in memory.

This will not persist any data to disk, and therefore any values stored are lost when the process is terminated.

import { search } from "@workertown/search";
import { MemoryCacheAdapter } from "@workertown/search/cache/memory";

export default search({
  runtime: {
    cache: new MemoryCacheAdapter(),
    // Other options go here...

For development use only

The memory cache adapter is not recommended for production use, and should usually only be used in development/test environments.


The NoopCacheAdapter is a special cache adapter that does nothing™. It is useful for disabling cache support entirely in situations where you still want to provide a CacheAdapter instance.

import { search } from "@workertown/search";
import { NoOpCacheAdapter } from "@workertown/search/cache/memory";

export default search({
  runtime: {
    cache: new NoOpCacheAdapter(),
    // Other options go here...
Core concepts Storage
Core conceptsREST

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