
As with all Workertown services, @workertown/kv is highly configurable. This page describes the various configuration options available.

All configuration options are optional.


By default, access restrictions are disabled. For details on how to configure the access property, see access.


By default, all authentication strategies are enabled and configured via environment variables. For details on how to configure the auth property, see authentication.


By default, the auth.apiKey strategy is enabled and configured as follows:

import { kv } from "@workertown/kv";

export default kv({
  auth: {
    apiKey: {
      env: {
        apiKey: "KV_API_KEY",

For details on how to configure the auth.apiKey strategy, see API key.


By default, the auth.basic strategy is enabled and configured as follows:

import { kv } from "@workertown/kv";

export default kv({
  auth: {
    basic: {
      env: {
        username: "KV_USERNAME",
        password: "KV_PASSWORD",

For details on how to configure the auth.basic strategy, see basic authentication.


By default, the auth.jwt strategy is enabled and configured as follows:

import { kv } from "@workertown/kv";

export default kv({
  auth: {
    jwt: {
      env: {
        jwksUrl: "KV_JWKS_URL",
        secret: "KV_JWT_SECRET",
        audience: "KV_JWT_AUDIENCE",
        issuer: "KV_JWT_ISSUER",

For details on how to configure the auth.jwt strategy, see JSON Web Token.


By default, the basePath is set to /. For details on how to configure the basePath property, see base path.


By default, CORS is disabled. For details on how to configure the cors property, see CORS.


The endpoints property is used to configure the various endpoints exposed by the service. By default, the endpoints are configured as follows:

import { kv } from "@workertown/kv";

export default kv({
  endpoints: {
    v1: {
      admin: "/v1/admin",
      kv: "/v1/kv",
    public: "/",

Changing these endpoints will only change the prefix of a particular endpoint, not the entire path - e.g. setting endpoints.v1.kv to "custom-kv" will change /v1/kv to /custom-kv.


The env property is used to configure the various environment variables used by the service. By default, the environment variables are configured as follows:

import { kv } from "@workertown/kv";

export default kv({
  env: {
    db: "KV_DB",

While all the env property options have predefined uses within the built-in runtimes, they can be repurposed for use with your own custom configurations when using the runtime property.


The env.db property is a string identifying which environment variable contains the name of the KV binding for the storage, or a string identifying the file path to the .sqlite database file in NodeJS environments.


By default, the logger is enabled. For details on how to configure the logger property, see logger.


The @workertown/kv package expects a runtime property that returns a cache value and a storage value. This can either be an object with those properties set, or a function that returns an object with those properties set.

For more details on how runtime in WorkerTown services work, see runtime.

The default runtime

The default runtime for @workertown/kv assumes that the service is running in a Cloudflare Worker with a KV namespace bound for the storage.

This default runtime is exposed via @workertown/kv/cloudflare-workers.

import { kv } from "@workertown/kv";
import { runtime } from "@workertown/kv/cloudflare-workers";

export default kv({ runtime });

Built-in runtimes

The @workertown/kv package comes with a number of built-in runtimes that can be used to configure the service for a particular environment.

Aside from the default Cloudflare Workers runtime, @workertown/kv also provides a runtime for NodeJS and a test runtime.

import { serve } from "@workertown/node";
import { kv } from "@workertown/kv";
import { runtime } from "@workertown/kv/node";

serve(kv({ runtime }));
import { kv } from "@workertown/kv";
import { runtime } from "@workertown/kv/test";

export default kv({ runtime });

Custom runtimes

You can also create your own custom runtime by passing an object (or a function that returns an object) with a storage property set to your adapter of choice.

import { kv } from "@workertown/kv";
import { StorageAdapter } from "@workertown/kv/storage";

export default kv({
  runtime: {
    storage: new StorageAdapter(/* ... */),
import { kv } from "@workertown/kv";
import { StorageAdapter } from "@workertown/kv/storage";

export default kv({
  runtime: (options, env) => ({
    storage: new StorageAdapter(/* ... */),


By default, Sentry is disabled. For details on how to configure the sentry property, see Sentry.

KV Using the API

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