

In @workertown/files, files storage is used the files you upload - you can back @workertown/files with the object store of your choice.


The FilesAdapter interface is defined as follows:

declare class FilesAdapter {
  get(key: string): Promise<ReadableStream | null>
  getMetadata(key: string): Promise<Record<string, unknown> | null>
  put(key: string, stream: ReadableStream | Uint8Array | Blob, metadata?: Record<string, string>): Promise<void>
  delete(key: string): Promise<void>
  setup(down?: boolean): Promise<boolean>

Built-in FilesAdapters

@workertown/files provides serveral built-in FilesAdapters that can be used via the runtime configuration option.


The R2StorageAdapter is the default FilesAdapter and is used when no other FilesAdapter is specified. It uses Cloudflare's R2 to store files.

import { files } from "@workertown/files";
import { R2FilesAdapter } from "@workertown/files/files/r2";

export default files({
  runtime: (options, env) => ({
    files: new R2FilesAdapter({ d1: env.R2 }), // `r2` is the R2 bucket bound to the Cloudflare Worker to use for file storage
    //...other options


The S3FilesAdapter uses AWS S3 (or any S3-compatible object store) to store files.

import { files } from "@workertown/files";
import { S3FilesAdapter } from "@workertown/files/files/s3";

export default files({
  runtime: (options, env) => ({
    files: new PlanetscaleStorageAdapter({
      credentials: {
        accessKeyId: env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
        secretAccessKey: env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
      region: env.AWS_REGION,
      endpoint: env.AWS_ENDPOINT,
      bucket: env.AWS_BUCKET,
    //...other options


The MemoryFilesAdapter is a simple FilesAdapter that stores the files in memory. It is not recommended for production use, but can be useful for development and testing.

import { files } from "@workertown/files";
import { MemoryFilesAdapter } from "@workertown/files/files/memory";

export default files({
  runtime: (options, env) => ({
    files: new MemoryFilesAdapter(),
    //...other options

Custom FilesAdapters

You can also provide your own custom FilesAdapter by extending the FilesAdapter class.

import { files } from "@workertown/files";
import { StorageAdapter } from "@workertown/files/storage";

class CustomFilesAdapter extends FilesAdapter {
  async get(key: string) { /* ... */ },
  async getMetadata(key: string) { /* ... */ },
  async put(key: string, stream: ReadableStream | Uint8Array | Blob, metadata?: Record<string, string>) { /* ... */ },
  async delete(key: string) { /* ... */ },
  async setup(down?: boolean) { /* ... */ },

export default files({
  runtime: (options, env) => ({
    files: new CustomFilesAdapter(),
    //...other options
Files Storage

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