
In @workertown/kv, storage is used to persist data about your feature flags.

For more information on how storage works in Workertown services more generally, see storage


The StorageAdapter interface is defined as follows:

declare class StorageAdapter {
  public getValue<T = unknown>(key: string): Promise<T | null> 
  public setValue<T = unknown>(key: string, value: T): Promise<T>
  public deleteValue(key: string): Promise<void>

Built-in StorageAdapters

@workertown/kv provides several built-in StorageAdapters that can be used via the runtime configuration option.

KV is "special"...

This service is special in that it provides two extra storage adapters that are not available in other services:


The D1StorageAdapter uses Cloudflare's D1 to store the data.

import { kv } from "@workertown/kv";
import { D1StorageAdapter } from "@workertown/kv/storage/d1";

export default kv({
  runtime: (options, env) => ({
    cache: false,
    storage: new D1StorageAdapter({ d1: env.D1 }), // `d1` is the D1 database bound to the Cloudflare Worker to use for storage


The KVStorageAdapter is the default StorageAdapter and is used when no other StorageAdapter is specified. It uses Cloudflare's KV to store the data.

import { kv } from "@workertown/kv";
import { KVStorageAdapter } from "@workertown/kv/storage/kv";

export default kv({
  runtime: (options, env) => ({
    cache: false,
    storage: new KVStorageAdapter({ d1: env.KV }), // `d1` is the KV namespace bound to the Cloudflare Worker to use for storage


The PlanetscaleStorageAdapter uses Planetscale (a distributed MySQL solution) to store the data.

import { kv } from "@workertown/kv";
import { PlanetscaleStorageAdapter } from "@workertown/kv/storage/planetscale";

export default kv({
  runtime: (options, env) => ({
    cache: false,
    storage: new PlanetscaleStorageAdapter({
      url: env.PLANETSCALE_URL,
      username: env.PLANETSCALE_USERNAME,
      password: env.PLANETSCALE_PASSWORD,


The SqliteStorageAdapter uses Sqlite to store the data. It is intended to be used in NodeJS environments as it requires access to file storage.

import { kv } from "@workertown/kv";
import { SqliteStorageAdapter } from "@workertown/kv/storage/sqlite";

export default kv({
  runtime: (options, env) => ({
    cache: false,
    storage: new SqliteStorageAdapter({ db: env.DB }), // `db` is the file path to the `.sqlite` file to use


The TursoStorageAdapter uses Turso (a distributed SQLite solution) to store the data.

import { kv } from "@workertown/kv";
import { TursoStorageAdapter } from "@workertown/kv/storage/turso";

export default kv({
  runtime: (options, env) => ({
    cache: false,
    storage: new TursoStorageAdapter({ 
      url: env.TURSO_URL,
      authToken: env.TURSO_AUTH_TOKEN,


The UpstashRedisStorageAdapter uses Upstash Redis, which provides Redis over a REST API, to store the data.

import { kv } from "@workertown/kv";
import { UpstashRedisStorageAdapter } from "@workertown/kv/storage/upstash-redis";

export default kv({
  runtime: (options, env) => ({
    cache: false,
    storage: new UpstashRedisStorageAdapter({ 
      url: env.UPSTASH_REDIS_URL,
      token: env.UPSTASH_REDIS_TOKEN,


The MemoryStorageAdapter is a simple StorageAdapter that stores the data in memory. It is not recommended for production use, but can be useful for development and testing.

import { kv } from "@workertown/kv";
import { MemoryStorageAdapter } from "@workertown/kv/storage/memory";

export default kv({
  runtime: (options, env) => ({
    cache: false,
    storage: new MemoryStorageAdapter(),

Custom StorageAdapters

You can also provide your own custom CacheAdapter by extending the CacheAdapter class.

import { kv } from "@workertown/kv";
import { StorageAdapter } from "@workertown/kv/storage";

class CustomStorageAdapter extends StorageAdapter {
  async getFlags(disabled: boolean = false) { /* ... */ },
  async getFlag(name: string) { /* ... */ },
  async upsertFlag(flag: UpsertFlagBody) { /* ... */ },
  async deleteFlag(name: string) { /* ... */ },

export default kv({
  runtime: (options, env) => ({
    cache: false,
    storage: new CustomStorageAdapter(),
KV Configuration

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